About MS

What is MS?

What is MS?

MS or Multiple Sclerosis is a serious neurological disorder in which the central nervous system of the body is impaired in its functioning. read more
Types of Multiple Sclerosis

Types of Multiple Sclerosis

Like any other disease, Multiple Sclerosis has a number of stages which help the doctors in making the diagnosis of each person suffering from MS. read more
Causes of Multiple Sclerosis

Causes of Multiple Sclerosis

Unfortunately, there are not many certified theories of the causes of MS existing today but researchers all over the read more
Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis

Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis

The symptoms of MS that patients experience will be surprisingly different for different people and may even be read more
Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis

Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis

Like some other neurological diseases and unlike many other disorders, coming to a diagnosis about MS is not as easy as some might suggest. The main reason for this is the read more
Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis

Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis

Although there is no specific cure of MS, there are various types of medications and procedures that can help to treat the symptoms read more
Taking Care with Multiple Sclerosis

Taking Care with Multiple Sclerosis

People who are diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis often have to undergo emotional stress after the diagnosis which read more
Recently Diagnosed?

Recently Diagnosed?

While we know today that Multiple Sclerosis can be successfully managed and patients can find ways of dealing it with, nevertheless, the first few weeks after the initial read more